NEW DATE & LOCATION: Hispanic, Latina/o, Latinx? How ethnic studies informs categories of US-born Latina/o/x

Monday, April 10, 2023 - 4:30pm
Linderman 200, (Scheler Family Humanities Forum)

LOCATION CHANGED BACK TO LINDERMAN 200, (Scheler Family Humanities Forum)!

Hispanic, Latina/o, Latinx? How ethnic studies informs categories of US-born Latina/o/x 
Salvador Vidal-Ortiz
Department of Sociology
American University
This talk will illustrate the explicit politics of the category Latinx (by going through Hispanic, national origin, and Latina/o) – both in terms of the history of Latina/o/x Studies as an ethnic project, versus a development/area Latin American Studies project. Latinx as a category informs a US-based, but potentially hemispheric approach – in addition to addressing gender and sexual identification categories. 
Salvador Vidal-Ortiz (American University) co-authored, in English, Race and Sexuality (Polity Press, 2018), co-edited The Sexuality of Migration: Border Crossings and Mexican Immigrant Men (NYU Press, 2009), and Queer Brown Voices: Personal Narratives of Latina/o LGBT Activism (University of Texas Press, 2015), and in Spanish, Travar el Saber (“Transing Knowledges”) – on education and trans people in Argentina (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2018). He is working on a manuscript on Santería, race, gender and sexuality. 
© IMRC CAS 2016

Latin American Studies  |  101 Williams Hall  |  31 Williams Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18015  |  phone 610-758-3996  |  fax 610-758-2131